Friday, August 5, 2011


After fertilisation the single cell splits into two,then the two cells double to four, four to eight,eight to sixteen and so on. Because the cell cluster looks superficially like a berry is it called the morula (latin for “mulberry”),but hhe new life is always biologically human (special homo sapiens)

The journey along the fallopian tube continues slowly for about four days,growth increases.pertumbuhan meningkat,by the time the womb cavity is reached,the cell cluster becomes hollow and fluid-filled,and is referred as the blastocyst.howefer this is not an inert clump of cells but a busily developing human individual : differentiation ( organisation into different parst and functions) is already taking place.meanwhile the uterus is forming a spongy lining within which the embrio will implan. Sementara itu rahim membentuk lapisan kenyal dimana emrio akan implan. To begins 6 days after fertilisation and is compeled within the netx 7 days.

If fertilisation has not taken place, the lining of the uterus  comes away at the end of the monthly cycle as the woman’s menstrusl period.but once implantation occurs,the emryo sends out a hormonal signal which prevents the mother’s period.this is usualy her first indication of fregnancy.

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